Thursday, March 12, 2009

Belly Blog -- Level 1 Technique Class Notes

"Hip work on the "up" or "down" -- Class 2

---Hip Ups/Downs--With centered weight shift, knee bent and unweighted foot on ball, drop or raise hip. Careful not to bounce up and down.

---Hip Twist Up--Combine the hip up with a twist. On the unweighted leg, while the hip is coming up it twists to the front. Smooth or sharp. Careful to return to "neutral".

---Hip Twist Down--Combine the hip down with a twist. On the unweighted leg, while the hip is coming down it twists to the rear. Smooth or sharp. Careful to return to "neutral". Down and ups can be combined into a smooth twist that passes through neutral with no pause

---Hip Twist--Hips glide to the front and rear, in a flat plane, twisting back and forth. "washing machine"

---COMBO: Triangle combo--Facing on a diagonal (to a corner), do double hip bumps on each side, then pivot and repeat. For example, facing the front left corner – double hip bump on the right, double hip bump on the left. Then pivot so you are facing the back left corner. Double hip bump on the right, double hip bump on the left. Arms are out when facing front and down by the sides when facing the back.

*Working with the music* Can start the movement on the down. The "down" is the 1st count in the sequence. All movements start on the right side unless otherwise noted


  1. Thanks for explaining this Berna...I can clearly see and understand what you mean. Thanks...;0)

